Slightly off topic . But short . I'm laughing at myself over here . What I was trying to communicate was the "long" sound of the letter o . This could also be called the "hard" sound of the letter o .
As used in the English words ; also & toe .
Thinking of that English word , toe , I tried to spell the component company's name , "MOE - doe - loe" .
But then thinking of the Italiano pronunciation of , for example , the Italiano word , "due" , I tried to make a little joke .
I was not considering the umlaut of Deutschland ! And in English , to replace the umlaut , usually a letter e is inserted into a word . Now I've made a "schöne Bescherung" !
As Pete politely pointed out ( with proper credit to Homer Simpson ) , I should have stuck with , D'oh !!
Raoul Delmare
Marysville Kansas