hey "Archetype"?
i'm the one who first used it in a sentence here... even though i wrote, ",... hetchins was the archtypical 'hand-made' frame company. they, essentially, put ornate lugwork on the map."
c'mon. skewer me. i have collected works too! e-RICHIE chester, ct
<twrawson@worldnet.att.net> writes: Hi Bruce, I guess since you confuse Dolly Parton, Halle Berry, Hobbs and Hetchins you can be forgiven....... No doubt someone will pull out a dictionary and read us a definition, but I stand by my comment that archetype has nuanced meaning different from original, first or prototype. In fact I would suggest that each of those words are different from the other. I prefer to use archetype as would say C.G. Jung in the Collected Works - but we drift.......