Re: [CR]Caveat emptor, a tale of the absurd--Lizard Skins v. broccolibands

(Example: Events)

From: "nath" <>
To: "Joe Starck" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Caveat emptor, a tale of the absurd--Lizard Skins v. broccolibands
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 15:20:38 -0500

Actually, Joe . . . I'm a singer-songwriter and I play out a lot in Mazomanie (The Old Feed Mill and the Whistle Stop Cafe), and recently played at the Cafe Carpe in Fort Atkinson. In June, I think, I'll be playing at Borders Books in Madison.

My CD features a *vintage* 1957 Gibson, though these days I'm using a newer Gibson at live performances.

If you're ever up for listening to acoustic folk / folk-rock, I can let you know where I'll be playing--or you can listen to WORT or check the papers. (OR . . . I could put you--or any of the other in the southern WI and northern IL area--on my e-mailing list!)

I haven't yet written any songs about broccoli bands . . . but I have been thinking of a song about a vintage lugged, steel bicycle, a la those of the CR list. Haven't done much with it yet, but it's there on the back burner.

And no . . . I can't play any Sibelius on my guitar, nor sing any of his Finnish songs. . . .

nath dresser
spring green, wi