RE: [CR]Was: Cirque intricacies.. now THE DAWN PATROL!

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Subject: RE: [CR]Was: Cirque intricacies.. now THE DAWN PATROL!
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 09:40:11 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR]Was: Cirque intricacies.. now THE DAWN PATROL!
Thread-Index: AcL5gAkFQbUxn5ezTQmxsIWMdVahfAAa2Fvg
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>

Last year this ride was just semi-organized, but I snoozed a bit too long and the crew was gone when I got downstairs. I don't plan on making the same mistake again this year! The 8:00 am formal ride is a bit tight if you've got a truck-full to unload for the swap/show, so this ride lets us get in one additional quick ride. After enjoying beautiful weather for the Cirque for several years, I was also duped into complacency, and last year only brought shorts and Jerseys, only to be foiled by the cold and wet. Another mistake I won't make this year!

I second Brian's sentiments that the riding is a great part of the fun and something to come prepared for. I was sick as a dog with a cold at Velo Rendezvous last year, but did the first day's ride anyway (thanks to a great Masi 3V loaner provided by the ever generous Matt Gorski). It was a blast! The second day I had to forgo the ride to try and save my strength to survive the rest of the day. But standing there watching the big group of riders roll away that morning was really depressing.

So, come prepared to enjoy the full spectrum of vintage cycling excitement!

Wayne Bingham
Falls Church VA