This is most likely off of a Schwinn Sport Tourer. They came with both an outer and middle guard arrangement.
Joe B-Z
Great Notch, NJ
> I came across this on eBay (but, of course), and wondered if anyone 1) had
> seen anything like it before, and 2) would explain the raison d' tre of
> T A old style triple crank right arm Item # 2172317848
> If you look closely at the two pictures, you'll see that there is an outer
> chainguard (which is not all that unusual). But look a little closer, and
> there's another(!) "chainguard" on the middle ring.
> This setup seems quite odd to me, at least ...but I figure one of the CR
> list experts can/will enlighten me.
> In correspondence with the seller, he didn't know what it was for either;
> he'd acquired the crankarm & rings as shown, as part of a lot.
> --- brandon davis ---
> -- sacramento, ca --