Dresses? Badges? Three legged man from the east? I don't know about
that stuff. What I can tell you is that Sally is make'n me do laundry right
now so I have clean clothes to play in the sandbox in. Then she's gonna cut
my hair. I want a pompadour, but my hair has recently rebelled and says
"uh, uh". But I's gonna look GOOD!
All this today after taking the bus out and back from Port Authority on
42ed Street to Stevie Masland's place down in the beautiful tree lined flats
of Mt.Laural, N.J. Spent the day work'n on some VERY old and VERY special
steel, some of which will be making it's way down south just in time for a
special meeting of the inner, inner circle in my room at The Battleground
Inn at a time to be announced. This meeting will be by special personal
invitation to only those who read this. The purpose will be to unveil the
latest in imported vintage Italian steel to reach our shores. "LOOK AT
THOSE LUGS!" Much will be up for grabs so bring your unfulfilled desires and
a few U.S. "grade A" samolians cause you gonna want ta spend um when ya see
this stuff! Rarest of rare and objects of affection will be on display for
all to gawk at. I'm already have'n fun.
And by the way you will need to know the secret password to enter. And
the secret handshake too.
John T.Pergolizzi
Manhattan, New York
> Dennis,
> That's odd; I've heard just the opposite. The people of Greensboro have
> been lining the streets anxiously awaiting the arrival of a large number
> of Bike GEEKS. From what I understand, the whole community can't
> understand why a certain small group of people go around biting the
> heads off of bicycles! They can hardley wait to see it in person. I have
> heard that the menfolk have urged the wives and daughters to steer clear
> of one Wild West Bikeslinger who has a reputation for breaking hearts!
> Larry; dress for the affair? I don't have a dress. Why did you wait so
> long to mention it? No time to go shopping before I leave; I'm REALLY
> going to feel out of place now! Thanks a lot, pal. My birthday suit is
> at the cleaners; I guess I'll have to figure something out SOON.
> Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no stinking BADGES! Dale
> doesn't wear a badge anyway; he wears a crown. Nametags, now that's a
> different subject. Roy Drinkwater is seeing to that. I hope the nametags
> don't clash with everyones dresses.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> Starting in getting crazy a little bit early.
> >
> > I've heard that the local residents are panicking and evacuating
> > town, cars heading out in every direction, loaded with the dogs and cats
> > too, and the national guard is on alert! Particularly, one cowboy from
> > out west has em running scared. By the time you bike slingers get to
> > place, there won't be much left but a few tumbleweeds. Even heard that
> > sheriff, DB, took off his badge. Holey Moley!
> >
> > Dennis Young
> > Wish I could go too in Hotaka, Japan
> >
> > >> Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, step right up, the show is
about to
> > >> begin. Come one, come all, you will see things that you have never
> > >> before. We have bikes from Italy, France, Great Britain, Germany,
> > >> Switzerland, Canada, Japan and the USA, plus from the deep dark
regions of
> > >> the earth, even the Southern California. There are big ones and
> > >> ones, bright ones and dull ones, old ones and new ones. The center
> > >> will showcase the eaters of the flame. We have the fat man, the
> > >> man, the Klein gal and the three legged man from New York. There
will be
> > >> Wolverines from Michigan, Gators from Florida, and the scary
> > >> wearing Saxman from Connecticut. The poor man will come in from West
> > >> Virginia and the rich men from up North. The loggers from Washington
> > >> to the sun worshippers of SoCal will all enhance the experience. You
> > >> sample the many foods of the big top, including Mexican Food ala
> > >> Greensboro, deli sandwiches, and the best pancakes in the East. We
> > >> have home brew beer from Alabama and spectacular Masi wine from
Italy. All
> > >> this in the backdrop of the Battleground Inn near the site of a
> > >> between Nathaniel Greene and his Patriots and the oh so ambitious
> > >> Cornwallis. So, bring your beau or your bike, but come ladies and
> > >> gentlemen. Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth, Le Cirque du
> > >> Let the show begin!
> > >>
> > >> Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
> > >
> > > er, what's the dress for this affair/
> > > With all this hooplas, I'm guessing from gowns and white tie to
> > > suit.
> > > We'll be bringing some Maryland Crabs, but not the edibles