Hello Classic Bicycle Fans,
I posted this message on the r.b.tech newsgroup ... someone advised that I join this discussion group... Here is my deal:
An old friend (very old) has asked me to rebuild two old STELLA bicycles. First reaction was NO! or more like HELL NO! French bicycle engineering from the 1960's and early 70's is extinct for good reasons. After recovering from the shock of hearing a voice 25 years absent, sentimentality won out (I originally built-up both of these bicycles from the frames in 1971). Finding out that both of the bicycles still exist was nearly as amazing as finding out that my friend still exists. He has had no luck finding a local LBS interested in trying to restore the STELLAS with period hardware.
After some wrangling we came to the agreement that I would use as many original parts from both bicycles to equip one bike with original style components. The other frame would be updated with modern stuff. The bicycle I want to restore is a STELLA TOUR DE FRANCE. The bicycle I want to update is a STELLA PRO. The TOUR DE FRANCE was originally setup for touring and training. The PRO was built for my brief attempt at criterium racing with a Campy drive train and brakes and Colnago seat post and stem... ahhhhh! It was a very pretty bicycle. Apparently neither bicycle has been on the road since the late 1970's. I parted company with them in 1974 when I made some dubious social choices.
Does anybody have any sources or information on vintage parts availability or dealing with the proclivities of french frame design. I worked in a shop when I built the bicycles. We sold a variety of french, italian and english frames... I remember that some french frames had right hand threaded bottom brackets on both sides and others were opposite on one side (like english and italian stuff)... does anyone know which method STELLA used? I don't want to molest the bottom bracket parts anymore than absolutely necessary.
Advice on upgrading the drive train on the PRO model would be welcomed.
Mahalo, Scotty (just back from riding on Maui) Cooper Dayton OH -- Recently, almost everything seems to be over rated.