RE: [CR]Simplex Lucien Juy ?

(Example: History)

From: "John Price" <>
To: 'David Goerndt' <>,
Subject: RE: [CR]Simplex Lucien Juy ?
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 15:34:50 -0600

Thanks, I've been told it was the founder's name. A bit of trivia to tuck away for future use to amaze my friends (yeah, right).

John Price Denver CO

-----Original Message----- From: David Goerndt [] Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 3:28 PM To: John Price; Subject: Re: [CR]Simplex Lucien Juy ?

: [CR]Simplex Lucien Juy ?

> Hope this hasn't been hashed about before (yeah, yeah I should probably
> check the archives) but what does the Lucien Juy stand for/mean ? Is this
> someone's name ? A famous racer ? Founder of Simplex ?
> Just curious,
> John Price
> Denver CO


I believe it's the name of the inventor.

David Goerndt
Orlando, FL (where winter came back today!!)