Re: [CR]Bluemel Airweight mudguard finish question

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2002)

In-Reply-To: <004a01c30034$59298ae0$2602a8c0@WorkGroup>
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Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:56:37 -0400
To: "Mike Self" <>
From: "Warren & Elizabeth" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Bluemel Airweight mudguard finish question

Satin finish...I've got an NOS pair downstairs in plastic. Kind of like the dull side of aluminum foil.

Warren Young Toronto

At 10:12 AM -0400 4/11/03, Mike Self wrote:
>I'm getting my '41 Bates ready for the Cirque.
>It has aluminum Bluemel Airweight fenders/mudguards. Did these Bluemels
>have a shiny or a satin finish originally? The fenders are in good shape,
>but It is difficult to tell what the original finish was. If they had a
>lightly brushed/satin finish, I don't want to give them a high polish w/
>Mike Self
>Cincinnati, Ohio