[CR] Re: was comments on mixed up Paramount/now age of Weinmann dimpled rims...

(Example: History)

From: "bikenut" <bikenut@gte.net>
To: "Classic Rendevous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <3E8AD11D.7030904@erols.com>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 06:48:55 -0800
Subject: [CR] Re: was comments on mixed up Paramount/now age of Weinmann dimpled rims...

Harvey, My all original 1959 Paramount had the "dimpled at the spoke hole Weinmanns" for sure and I have a set or two of the same rims built with Airlights that point back to the same age/time frame as well. I sold a 1960 Paramount last year that had Nisi Turo 27X clinchers... those would be more suspect. I think our British listmembers (Hilary or Pete had some for sale NOS sometime back) may be able to shed light on the availability early on.

Your mileage may vary....

Matt "still sore from Saturdays 300K" Gorski Sunny Southern California

----- Original Message -----
From: HM & SS Sachs
To: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 4:01 AM
Subject: [CR]Any comments on this mixed up bicycle Paramount...

> Matt Gorski added a lot that brought back memories, but I'm not sure he's right on one detail: I don't recall seeing the Weinmann rims with "dimples" at the spoke holes until the early 1970s, if then. But, perhaps we use the term "dimple" differently.
> harvey sachs
> mcLean va
> Charles,
> Here is how I see it.
> Good:
> Frame/HS look like a 1959 Paramount I have....
> Derailleurs right...probably has Open "C" shifters.
> (the ft der cage looks a bit like a Simplex...??!?!)
> Wheels Campy 3 Piece hubs...should (likely) be
> the Weinmann dimpled 27 X 1 & 1/4 rims
> Paramount Track Stem w/GB Bars with scalloped
> and engraved mount area.
> Not so good:
> Much later Stronglight Cranks (99?) and pedals
> (Original on mine is a Steel cottered Stronglight)
> Much later Weinmann Brakes/black plastic a giveaway.
> (Original on mine are early Weinmann)
> Saddle not close...
> Mine had a Lycett, but I have Seen Brooks and Ideales
> Just my $.02
> Matt Gorski/Belmont Shore, CA

http://ebay.com/<blah> The seller write this, "Hiya,Charles thanks for the info,I am not an "Expert" nor "Authority" of old bikes...It was recovered from an old bike shop here in Toms River NJ that opened in 1960(Schwinn Dealer)I gave the details as I see on the bike,The