My other hobby is amateur (ham) radio. To celebrate the 100th Tour de France (1903-2003) I have obtained a special callsign from the FCC to use from 5 July to 27 July (TdF dates). Call sign: W1T (W 1oo TourdeFrance). These one letter-one number-one letter callsigns are only available for special event activities and are uncommon. The card used to confirm contacts will have a color photograph of the 21 of the 22 living Tour champions taken October 24, 2002, in Paris, France, at a special reunion.
The photo shows: Top (L to R): Ferdi Kübler (1950), Charly Gaul (1958), Federico Bahamontes (1959), Jan Ullrich (1997), Lance Armstrong (1999-2002), Eddy Merckx (1969-1972, 1974), Bjarne Riis (1996), Bernard Thévenet of France (1975, 1977), Laurent Fignon (1983, 1984), Greg Lemond (1986, 1989, 1990), Bernard Hinault (1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1985). Bottom (L to R): Lucien Aimar (1966), Felice Gimondi (1965), Roger Walkowiak (1956, standing), Lucien Van Impe (1976, obscured), Stephen Roche (1987), Joop Zoetemelk (1980, obscured), Pedro Delgado (1988), Marco Pantani (1998), Jan Janssen (1968), and Miguel Indurain (1991-1995). Only Roger Pingeon (winner 1967) could not be present due to a family matter. The oldest winner (1950) is Ferdi Kübler.
I have a digital image of the card but don't have a place to park it. If someone can do that so list members can see it that would be helpful.
I am looking forward to contacting any hams on this list. There must be some??? If you are not a ham but would like a card please send a self-addressed-stamped-envelope to me at: Angel Garcia, 7 Markham Drive, Long Valley, NJ 07853. Offer to CR List members only.
Angel Garcia WA2VUY
Long Valley, NJ