[CR]Re: Report on...Short Notice DC area Classic ride - Saturday

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Chater-Lea)

Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 19:11:28 -0400
From: "HM & SS Sachs" <sachs@erols.com>
To: Ben Sanford <B.Sanford@cox.net>
cc: Ken Sanford <Kanford@comcast.net>
cc: Greg Thies
cc: Fred Rednor
cc: Tom Roberson
cc: Classic Rendezvous
cc: Ken Sanford
Subject: [CR]Re: Report on...Short Notice DC area Classic ride - Saturday

This morning was pretty dreary, with very wet roads until well after lunch. Nonetheless, Fred Radnor (Witcomb fixed gear/road conversion), Rick Cool (mystery bike, originally salmon color with nice chrome lugs), and Your Obdt. Svt. (Roma Sport tracker w. FB HF hubs, Magistroni cranks and rainproofing all over (rust)) showed up and rolled about 20 mi round trip on the W&OD. A good start on which to build; don't forget next Saturday's ride at 10:00; contact wbingham@imf.org for details. Let's ride!

harvey "getting older faster" sachs mcLean Va

Ben Sanford wrote:
>Why should we let the west coast people have all the fun on their monthly
>rides. Ok, maybe we can't duplicate Brian's great ride reports, but we can
>get together.
>I initiated an e-mail discussion with Greg Thies about getting together and
>compare our 1970's Eisentrauts, and we agreed to meet this coming Saturday
>morning at 9:00 am at the Caboose just off the W&OD trail in Vienna. We
>plan a moderate ride headed somewhat west on (and perhaps off) the trail
>towards Leesburg. Pace will be somewhat relaxed, and the trail shouldn't be
>crowded before noon.
>Since mine is a track bike and the terrain is flat to rolling, hills
>shouldn't be a problem. Anyone else on the list who's free, please join us.
>I had a few e-mail addressed of people I've corresponded to on the list, but
>I know there are quite a few more classic bike riders in this area. Maybe
>we can make some weekend rides in this area a regular occurence.
>Ben Sanford
>Falls Church, VA

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