There are some young'ns lurking round here.......
Tom Martin
Oakland Ca
> B-boy:
> ...or the forsight to start ebay...
> There's the source for today's prices.
> Some retailers still have that 80's stuff lying around. A couple of
> months ago I "liberated" a stash of GP4's and Championat du Mondes from a
> dusty shop for about $6 U.S. per rim. The 16 year old's that work there
> didn't even know what they were for.
> Grant McLean
> Toronto.Ca
> On Thursday, May 22, 2003, at 11:21AM, Richard M Sachs
> <> wrote:
> >i fully agree and also feel this supports the higher prices charged
> >for some of the rare and small bits that are part of the 'vintage'
> >habit. as i wrote offlist yesterday, most of these things were of
> >no value 10 years ago. you couldn't GIVE most of the NR & SR spares
> >and parts away once the late 80s passed.
> Too true, which is the reason I've never paid more than $200 for a full
> Campy bike. Many shops in the late 80s literally dumped large stocks of
> Campy and Simplex parts to make room for new stuff. To take the foresight
> thought one more step. Had you taken the $500 you would have spent on the
> Paramount new and put it in IBM stock 30 years ago you could have paid the
> $2500 with just interest. Had you taken the $500 and put it into Schwinn
> stock you'd be SOL today.
> enjoy,
> Brandon"monkeyman"Ives
> SB, CA