OK, being fairly new to this list, and not having attended the Cirque last weekend, I've been reading all the lamentations of withdrawls by those who did. My heart has been pouring out sympathy to all and I wish beyond words that I could have been there as well. BUT... my tears have all run dry and my lip won't quiver much any more, so I'm afraid to say that my sympathy for all you folks has just about run out!!
Wonder if I'll be able to make it next year...got to get a worthy bike to bring and ride.. better get started now, I guess. Let's see, Masi, Hetchins, Colnago, GIOS,....no...maybe something domestic and exotic... maybe something new from one of the "torch bearers"... oh, this isn't going to be easy.
OK everyone, let's buck up and start getting ready for next year.
Bruce Schrader San Francisco
===== "Not all those that wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973)
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