it is. ususally a cut tube yields a c-c measure that's 28mm longer. e-RICHIE chester, ct writes: Brian writes: <Having heard various things about how Mario went about building frames, which has always seemed awkward to me BTW; this build card sort of caught my attention. The first thinh I noticed was that this 62.5cm frame was speced with a 55 cm top tube. I looked at the frame and could tell the top tube was longer than 55 cm. I measured. It measured 57.5cm or thereabouts. That is more "normal" for a bike that size. Hummmmm. So why did the card say 55cm when it was actually 57.5cm?>
Mark wonders?
Could it be that the 55 cm is the actual length of the tube, rather than
the ctc measurement?
Mark Ritz