So, the seller finally breaks down and takes my offer for his mid 70s Zeus, complete with all the cool Zeus parts, including what I think are the most elegant-looking center-pull brakes ever made, the Zeus 2000.
I've already been to see the bike, but he wanted more than I was willing to pay. So I let it sit. He came around, finally.
So, I go to his house last Saturday. I'm in a hurry to get somewhere else. We chat. He hands over the bike. It has those wild handlebars I don't know the name of, the ones that allow you to rest on your elbows? Anyway, it barely fits into the trunk of my car.
I get it into the car, and drive off to my appointment. I was so busy this past week, I didn't even pull the freakin' bike out of the trunk! Then, yesterday, I finally pull the bike out of the trunk, and, whadaya know...I finally did something I've ALMOST done at least 5 times in the last few years: I left the pretty Zeus front wheel sitting quietly on the grass next to my car where it was parked down by the guy's house.
So. There you have it. I now have a complete Zeus bike, except for the front wheel, which is long gone, of course.
Thus, I'm looking for one of the following, to buy, or trade for:
1) 70s Zeus hf front hub, complete, or missing the QR, ok. NOS or used. Used is better.
2) complete 70s Zeus wheel, with the aforementioned hf hub.
3) a *pair* of 70s Zeus hf hubs. Who lives who can't always use another Zeus rear hub?? Right? Right.
4) a *pair* of built-up wheels, tubular or clincher, with 70s Zeus hf hubs
5) a *pair* of 70s Zeus LF hubs, complete with QR, or not.
I have lots of wheels to trade, or I'll pay cash, or, if you have what I'm looking for, I may have some other goodie you can use.
The especially amusing part of all this is that two years ago I bought a bike for parts with mismatched wheels. The front wheel guessed it, a Zeus hf....I sold it thinking "I'll never use this" I think I got 20 bucks for it. Just goes to show matter how oddball something is, inevitably it'll come in handy when you don't have it anymore.
I suppose this is how people end up living in houses filled floor to ceiling with *stuff.* I will *never* get to that point. Never.... ;>
Charles "stupid" Andrews