[CR]Re: Child's Bianchi

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

From: <BobHoveyGa@aol.com>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 15:31:43 EDT
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re: Child's Bianchi

Outed by Aldo:
>Kid's Bianchi road bike on Italian eBay, listed as 1959 model:
>http://cgi.ebay.it/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2416047697&category=3D= 9951
>Small Ambrosio tubular rims, Campy derailleurs.

I was hoping this bike would prompt some (any?) discussion because I got really curious when Aldo first posted it. I've seen a few posts on CR about the type of market for so-called "racing bikes" in Europe in the late 50's and early 60's. If I remember correctly, it was stated that the general public just did not buy them. The ten-speed bike with tubular tires and turned-down bars was not a widely-marketed item. And a non-racer who bought one for general use was pretty much considered a "poser". (I hope my memory is correct here and I have not mangled things too much, if so, please correct me).

Given that, what is the explaination for this bike? Is this really a child's bike, sold with front and rear derailleurs and tubular tires, a Unica saddle? Has anyone ever seen a bike like this before, from this time period?

Was there ever children's races in Europe, a group below juniors? Maybe a pro racer and proud papa had the bike built for his child?

Bob Hovey
Columbus, GA