The 1949 Holdsworth catalog shows the availability of "Ruby red, Helyett green, brilliant blue flamboyants on silver lustre base"
Jay Van De Velde
Seal Beach, CA
DATE: Wed, 28 May 2003 12:44:23
>I know Raleigh advertised the availability of flambouyants (candy apple)and polychromatics (metallics) in the immediate postwar period. For example the Lenton was a metallic green and the Clubman a candy apple blue.
>Paul Raley
>Leonardtown MD
>"Dave Patrick" <> wrote:
>>Just to clarify, my take is that opaque enamels/lacquers were the standard
>>up until the late 1950's, or perhaps the early 1960's, and then metallics
>>appeared. Then flamboyants appeared in the mid-1960s, first called "candy
>>colors" by the 1960's hot-rod crowd. These were/are essentially a
>>translucent colored sprayed over white, silver or gold, depending on the
>>look you wanted. At least that seems to be the time-line that I've seen on
>>vintage cars. In restoring bikes from the 1940s/1950s, opaque enamels would
>>have been the original finish, correct? Just trying to get handle on this,
>>as I'm trying to determine the color-scheme for a couple of vintage frames.
>>Your input greatly appreciated and thanks.
>>Dave Patrick
>>Chelsea, Michigan
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