I recently came into a set of mis-matched Campagnolo pista crank arms.
I'd like to have a matched set. So, I'm looking for EITHER a RIGHT 165 Pista crank arm, with the early square profile, with the raised pedal hole...OR a LEFT 165 Pista crank arm with the smooth pedal hole, but with the early square profile.
I'd prefer to buy, or trade, for a left arm. Cheaper, and more in keeping with the frame it's going on. I might be willing to trade the left raised-hole pista arm I have now.
The right arm is for an inch-pitch ring..I assume there was no difference in the arms...it appears the pista arms were standard for all rings, and the inch-pitch ring was machined to match. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this.
Please e-mail me with anything you might like to part with.
Charles "newbie trackie" Andrews SoCal
PS: thanks to all for your help in finding things I've been looking for lately. This is a great list, full of great people.