Mark, If it makes you feel any better I think you bought a real piece of history. I wouldn't pay the $760 for the book, but since I got my copy for $15 many years back I don't need another. If you look at what autographed items go for you got a deal. You got a rare first edition book, with an even rarer signature feel proud to own a fine piece of cycling history. enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives SB, CA
PS: The last autographed first edition I got was Neil Stephenson's "Cryptonomicon" with both Neil Stephenson's and Bruce Schneier's signatures.
On Thursday, May 29, 2003, at 07:28 PM, Mark Poore wrote:
> Ok, if I were a real man I would take all that was coming to me as
> well as the blame, but that aside I am going to blame each and
> everyone of you list members. At the Cirque I balked at $35 for a
> first edition of Hearts of Lions and now I just dropped $760 on a book
> and that doesnt include shipping. I was a rational thinking person
> just three years ago. What happened say ye? I got involved with Dale
> Brown and all his cronies. There was a time when I would have to think
> long and hard about a second bike purchase, now with 10 or more in the
> basement and more on the way I dont think about costs, no I sure
> dont, dont even think about where the money will come from. Banks
> have lots of money and there are banks on every corner I tell you. I
> have seen them.
> Classic content
..nuts about old bikes and stuff related to them.
> How many days til the next Cirque?
> Mark, dont bid against me cause my mind aint right, Poore
> Slatyfork, WV today and not sure tomorrow if my wife ever catches wind
> of this one
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