Re: [CR]Commerce (was re: bidding on ebay with no intention etc.)

(Example: Framebuilders:Tony Beek)

Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 22:14:13 +0200 (MEST)
From: <>
To: "C. Andrews" <>
References: <003201c31762$d4e64340$719afea9@chasds>
Subject: Re: [CR]Commerce (was re: bidding on ebay with no intention etc.)

Well, all hail social darwinism!

I understand the workings of capitalism full well, having grown up in a capitalist society (curtesy of you know who, thank you). I just don't think that doing what everybody else is doing is necessarily the right thing. Such as jumping off the cliff, a story we probably all remember from our mothers.

I thank for the information about vintage bike dealers, I will try to avoid them.

Ebay, for itself, reeks of integrity. Where else do you pay and get to wait to see if the other person is integer?

As for the jungle, I am perfectly happy to keep it out there, and not to join in.


Kim "Integrity" Klakow

> Kim wrote, in part:
> "So much for that. eBay is a sport and people should play
> fair."
> Uh....ebay is *not* a sport. Ebay is commerce. Thus, the
> word "fair" is irrelevent. In fact, I'd go so far as to say
> that the old aphorism about love and war should be amended
> to read: "'All's fair in love, war, and commerce." At
> least as capitalism and markets are handled in this day and
> age.
> I do my best to conduct my business with integrity, as do
> many others. But, in general, integrity in markets is in
> very short supply these days. I could bring up the issue of
> just who is rebuilding Iraq, for instance, but this is not
> the forum for that. Examples of "all's fair in commerce"
> abound, great and small, anywhere you look.
> There are even people in the vintage bike biz who I would
> never do business with because the word integrity is
> meaningless to them. Not many, but a few I'm aware of.
> It's a jungle out there and if we know it, and understand
> it, we do better, perhaps.
> Charles Andrews
> SoCal
> _______________________________________________

-- Kim Klakow Diplom Grafik Designer +49174-3524468

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