>From Dennis Crowley:
This Sunday May 18th is Museums of the Arroyo Day.
In conjunction with MOTA Day, I will be conducting the 4th Annual Bicycle History Tour from Pasadena to Heritage Square stopping along significant bicycle-related historic sites.
Distance: short, pace: slow, with many stops for history lessons. (in short, a great bike ride for non-bike riders.)
Proposed departure is at the start of the historic Cycleway location, (behind the Green Hotel in Old Town,) at 10:00.
Our destination is Heritage Square where we have a display of antique bicycles in a restored Victorian house. There will also be other displays and antique music machines.
Required equipment: Bicycle
Old bike and period costume are encouraged but not required. (For more information on Heritage Square and events go to heritagesquare.org)
Chuck Schmidt L.A.