27.2 in all Frejus' I've seen, and I've seen allot.
But Lou Deeter would like to see more. Or at least that's my bet.
Lou , I volunteer to be first assistant, helper, lackey, go get
coffee,whatever, to help while you build your collection. The ultimate
unpaid intern.
Wish'n I was a go'n on that ride in SoCal
> I've got an early to mid 60's chrome Frejus that I suspect had a slightly
> small seatpost installed in it at some point as the seat tube ID seems to
> measure a little less than round. I'm hoping others who have one of these
> might be able to share what sized post they're using. If it matters, this
> one is built with Columbus.
> Thanks for any help,
> David
> David Bilenkey
> Industrial Designer
> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
> dbilenkey@sympatico.ca