I was trying to fit some 6 speed skewers into some straight lever 5 speed NR
ends and the lever didn't lock down in any where near the right place. I
disassembled the pieces and on inspection noticed that:
The 5 speed rod had the hole off center and a relatively mild cam on the
straight lever.
The 6 speed rod had the hole centered and a more pronounced cam on the curved
Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a transition piece that is different?
i.e., a 6 speed rod that works with the straight levers?
It seems that this may be why (in the old days) I just went ahead and used
the curved lever skewers on all my 7 speed (126.5) wheels. The 5 speed
skewers were ok with 6 speed wheels (barely! at 125 spacing) but not as ok at
Anyone else?
Stevan Thomas
Alameda, CA