Dear Ed Kasper, Ed writes that a date of manufacture code is on Normandy hubs, in trying to help Amand Graham figure out her new found Peugot. So Ed, where is the date code located on the Normandy hubs.... Is it like the Campagnola date code on the axle flat washers or is the date code visible to the eye without disassembling the hub? Yours truly, Martin Walsh in Vienna,Va
> You are easy to please, Amanda! You have a Peugeot UO10 "Course" model
> there. It was a couple of models down from the PX10, but still a great find.
> Is it a 57cm/23" frame? You should be able to locate a four digit date code
> for the month and year of manufacture on those Normandy Sport hubs. If both
> hubs match, they are probably original and you no longer have to guess as to
> how old the bike is. Hope this helps, keep the easy ones coming!!!
> Ed Kasper
> Detroit MI