Dear CR List, Lou Deeter asked which would sell for more, the results are in: 1982 NOS GIOS Super Record,sold today on e-bay auction for $3050.00 (Ken Denny seller). 1972 NOS Schwinn Paramount sold on e-bay for the "buy it now" price of $2495.00 (Jack Bissell seller). Money talks and BS walks...... I think the Paramount would have gone for more dollars,than it did, if there had NOT been a buy it now price. The logic that 3000+ Paramounts were made does not devalue the Schwinn Paramount marque, since emotion dictates what people are willing to spend. Schwinn did an amazing job of marketing their bicycles. Everyone of us growing up probably saw hundreds of ads for Schwinn bicycles in comic books, Boy's Life etc. Many small towns had "SCHWINN" dealerships selling only Schwinns.What a feeling of nostalgia thinking about the first time I went into the "Schwinn dealer". For me it was like an auto showroom of today... Where I grew up in Massachusetts the Schwinn bicycles were favored over the locally made Columbia's. The million dollar question is: had there not been a buy it now price which bicycle would have sold for more??? I seriously doubt that it will be any time soon that we will see examples, of such fine NOS bicycles as the two sellers sold today. Yours truly, Martin Walsh in Vienna,Va.