[CR]Re: nonconcentric fenders

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing:Columbus)

From: "Aldo Ross" <swampmtn@siscom.net>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
References: <1ee.afe2725.2c1bc2f8@aol.com> <01df01c33512$2608cbe0$0a01a8c0@lobby> <027f01c33525$9c0f0d00$0a01a8c0@lobby> <3EF058D3.20CD443D@optonline.net>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 08:36:57 -0400
Subject: [CR]Re: nonconcentric fenders

Remember when mounting fenders on your cambio Corsa or P-R bike to leave room for the wheel to travel forward and backward when shifting.

Aldo Ross "that's why my fenders look so awkward" Middletown, Ohio

----- Original Message -----
From: jamie swan
To: Tom Martin
Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]fenders

> There are a few drawbacks to using fenders. They eliminate the opportunity to
> "glove" your tires while riding. You can do the front wheel but it is a
> stretch. They make transporting your bike by car more difficult. Removing the
> wheels doesn't reduce the size of the bike significantly. It is usually
> difficult or impossible to use a fork mount type carrier. The back end of the
> front fender will hit the tray. I've been blocking up the rear wheel on mine.
> Fenders increase toe clip overlap. Not that it is a big concern but I find
> myself stubbing my toe quite frequently on the brace on my Honjos... They do
> great job of keeping you and the bike clean and dry... A mud flap is
> recommended.
> Aesthetically fenders look best mounted concentric with the wheel. One should
> bare in mind that they are manufactured to a specific radius so there is only
> one position that will look correct. Usually the bridge and crown heights are
> not optimized so a certain amount of experimentation is necessary. It is
> possible, on Honjos at least, to slightly modify or correct the radius by
> gently squeezing or spreading the fender across it's width. Squeezing increases
> the radius. Spreading reduces it.
> I recently built a frame to accept Honjos. It was an educational experience.
> Jamie Swan - Northport, N.Y.
> Tom Martin wrote:
> > To clarify my intent, I would like to open a discussion on fitting fenders
> > on the bikes we usually discuss. Yes it's June, but it's still raining in
> > the Northeast (or so my sister tells me). And fender season will be here
> > sooner than later.
> > I sense there was a strong need for bikes to be fitted with fenders
> > (especially Britan from all the rain). Supposedly standard reach brakes were
> > made so fenders could be positioned undereath the calipers and still have
> > room for the tires to spin. The story I was told was that the guys would
> > ride their fendered and racked and bagged bike to a certain point to meet
> > up, remove all the unnecessary items and then race to, say a pub, have a
> > pint and then turn around and go back to pick up their stuff and ride home.
> > Sounds like a nice way to spend a sunday. So is this a wrong history-
> > fenders were only used on utility bikes and never on the sunday racers? Club
> > racers they were called?? Steer me wrong here....or right for that matter.
> > I have checked out some randonneuring websites and got a glimpse of how they
> > attach and some of the more popular homemade options. There is something
> > missing in all this- the actual detailed anecdotal histories of what does
> > and doesnt work. That's what I'm fishing for.
> >
> > What kind of fender would you put on your Hetchins or Calude Butler? or the
> > Rene Herse?
> >
> > Am I off topic?
> >
> > Tom Martin
> > Oakland CA
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Tom Martin" <tom@wilsonbike.com>
> > To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 1:50 PM
> > Subject: [CR]fenders
> >
> > List:
> >
> > BTW, thanks all for the Hujsak info.
> >
> > I would like to pick some of you'zes brains on fenders, like what do you
> > like about em, hate about em, what looks cool, what actually works, how they
> > attach, etc. Blummels? Honjo? SKS? Any others long forgotten or frequently
> > overlooked? Off list replies are appreciated, but on list replies might make
> > it more interesting and increase the body of knowledge. It's your call.
> >
> > Tom Martin
> > Oakland CA