Derny Racing . . . anyone ?
or is it spelled Derney ?
Raoul Delmare
Marysville Kansas
> In a message dated 6/18/03 5:21:43 PM,
> writes:
> >Looks as though one could take an existing bike with a
> >longish wheelbase and turn the fork around to get an idea of
> >the differences in handling. I suspect the effects of the
> >negative rake would be somewhat confounded by the increased
> >height and the change to the head angle. I note that the
> >front wheel is smaller than the rear so it might require a
> >loaner fork from a post-CR period TT bike. Who's feeling
> >adventurous?
> Turning the fork around increases directional stability to the point that
> can be a bit difficult to steer (the fork is constantly trying to center
> itself). You can launch a riderless bike with an reversed fork down a
> incline and it will sail off straight as an arrow and stay upright until
it hits
> something. Saw a neat demo of this effect on a British video on the
history of
> cycling.
> Bob Hovey
> Columbus, GA