> Cinelli, ASC, pre-war Paramount, all have magic to the eye, the
> hand, and the feeling of being-with while riding.
which war ?? we seem to be having one almost once every 4 years under recent republican administrations ... *snicker* ...
in 1991 during grad school, i moved into an apartment with no television. I lived for almost an entire year without a television. after about 9 months i would go to parties and someone would have a TV on, and invariably the screen would contain hundreds of floating neon icons that looked like something from another planet. It looked so weird i could not believe it.
I finally gave up an bought a TV because in many cases i couldn't relate to anyone at the parties i went to.
today's youth generation has been raised on neon colors, icons, neon clothing, jeans 8x sizes too big, special effects, explosions, nirvana, and mountain bikes with shock absorbers. Twenty years from now, they will be looking at "classic" mountain bikes with the "super cool" brakes and the pentultimate shade of neon color and orange swirl chainrings and the wildest shocks - the one that trounces all the others. Their tastes will be passe' 1990's.
Bikes are like music. Everything old is new again. The machine that gives you your first neural "high" is a classic 20 years later, no matter what. And of course we should let those people join the list, and of course the classic date should move forward once per year.
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA