I'm planning to build up two bikes with TA Cyclotourist triples, a Caygill and a new Bates. Both have 68mm English BB shells and 126 rear spacing, plan to use mid-90's Phil freewheel hubs on both. These will be the first triples I have build. (Finally conceded to the reality of age). What Phil BB is right for this combination? A 119 axle with 5 mm offset has been suggested, but I noticed that a Teledyne Titan I bought used came (to me) equipped with a 125mm Phil BB with 5mm offset with an old TA Cyclotourist triple and 70's era Phil hubs. I had removed this BB almost immediately, as it didn't seem right on a Teledyne, so I don't know how good the chainline was. But the seller's mother had apparently ridden this setup for about 15 years. Any advice/opinions?
Jerry Moos
Houston, TX