CR Folk:
I visited the bike exhibit at the Palo Alto Museum today -- as a warm-down from our monthly Silicon-Valley classic ride.
Only a few of the bikes are in the main lobe of the CR radar. But as a service for folks who are wondering whether to make the trek to the Museum, I'm here providing a list of the bikes on display:
Michaux Boneshaker 1863 France
Singer Trike 1865 England (teeter-totter treadle with feet & saddle)
Coventry Rotary 1881 England (1 large chain-drive wheel on the left, 2 smaller wheels on the right)
Rudge Penny Farthing 1885 England ("Ordinary", large steered & driven wheel in front, small wheel in back)
American Star 1885 USA (ratchet-driven highwheel in back, small steered wheel in front)
Victor 1891 USA (safety, chain-driven rear wheel, spring suspension front fork)
Paragon 1892 USA (sprung seat-tube, among the last solid-tired bikes)
"Tom Tit" Juvenile bike 1893 England (twin-tube frame, like Colnago Bi-titan)
Punnette Companion 1895 USA ("Sociable" side-by-side 2-seater)
"FOLDER" 1896 USA (perhaps the first folding bicycle hinged top & down-tubes)
Columbia Model 46, 1897 USA (23lb Ladies model, wood fenders and chainguard)
Columbia Tandem 1897 USA (pushrod brakes, front & back steering is linked)
Pierce Arrow 1897 (shaft drive)
Dursley Pederson 1900 (elaborate twin-tube space-frame and hammock seat)
Pierce Arrow 1915 with Smith Motor Wheel, called Wahl Motor Wheel in England (motor drives its own wheel that is mounted beside standard rear wheel)
BSA Paratrooper Bike 1942 (folding bicycle)
Bowden Spacelander 1946-1959 England & USA (curvy monocoque frame)
Schwinn Typhoon 1950 USA with Richard Smith steam drive (steam engine drives rear wheel via a roller pressing against the tire, just like a giant Soubitez generator in reverse)
Cinelli Laser 1986 Italy 1986 (ridden in Tour de France by Eric Heiden)
Murry (contemporary) with battery-powered front-wheel drive motor.
There were also old bike posters on display, and in one room a sign that said something to the effect of: "Bicycling: the fad that stayed"
Brad Stockwell
Palo Alto
brian blum <> wrote: I found this exhibit but I have not visited so I hope it has at least some appropriate CR content. Please email me if locals have seen it. Brian Blum in Berkeley
Cycles of History: The Classic Bicycles
Friday, June 06, 2003 thru Thursday, August 21, 2003 Fri, Sat, Sun, 11-4
Location: Museum of American Heritage 351 Homer Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94302 Related Site
Phone: Fax: (650) 321-1004 (650) 473-6950 Event Forecast
The Museum of American Heritage is spotlighting historic bicycles in its summer exhibit, Cycles of History: The Classic Bicycles, which opens on June 6 and runs through September 28. This two-wheeled adventure examines the evolution of the bicycle and its derivatives. Highlights include the bicycle collection of Palo Alto collector Ralph Igler, plus accessories, memorabilia, exhibits of historic interest, and a look at bicycle racing. Visitors to this exhibit can examine unusual cycles powered by feet, electricity, steam and gasoline. The Museum of American Heritage, located in the historic Williams House in Palo Alto, operates programs to collect, preserve, and present objects that illustrate the evolution of 19th and 20th century invention and technology. Regular exhibit hours are 11 AM to 4 PM, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Admission is free.
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