I think the tires are made by a company called "Unobtainium". I haven't a clue where a tire can be found. I did discover that every so often there are some 700c tires that are super tight on the rims. I found a pair of tires that fit on the rims and did not stretch them before mounting. When I got the Cinelli I had, it was fitted with Clement #3 track tires. Obviously special made. I think if one looked around, eventually they would run into a tire that would work on that rim. Be careful though, it is a tubular and does depend on a certain amount of pressure on the rim to keep it secure. I would really like to have the 60's Cinelli that was made for these small wheels, but I suspect it may not be something I will be able to get my hands on. But I've long been a fan of the undersize wheel for the small frame. Cino saw the appeal also. That would be a real cool Cinelli road bike for me to have, since I don't have a Cinelli road machine, which I'd like to get someday.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
> The seller has added this: "UPDATE ! ! ! A nice note from "Brian B." and
> David tells us that this is actually a wheel in between full size and 650.
> The outer rim diameter is 612m.m. SORRY ! ! ! Ron"Get/got the tape measure".
> So what kind of tires does one put on this??
> Angel Garcia
> Long Valley, NJ