Peter Weigle's rando bike at the Cirque was the bomb. It rocked the house. It was dopey dope. You get the point it was really nice. Yes, Peter is making racks for his bikes. Another builder that does this type of work is Mike Berry with Mariposa. While not in the U.S., he's not that far away in Canada. I think they even speak English there. As to me doing with racks and wiring, we'll see. Do I have to know how to speak French?
Curt Goodrich
Minneapolis, MN
> I don't see them as mutually exclusive. Constructeurs like Singer and
> Herse gladly would build you a racing frame/fork. Sorry if it
> appeared that way. It's just that usually, constructeurs and
> framebuilders tended to specialize on their respective things.
> Exceptions usually were when sponsorship was concerned: Herse built
> racers for his daughter and a few other racers he sponsored.
> I also know of lots of framebuilders who are not constructeurs. Ask
> Rivendell or Richard Sachs to make you a bike with a custom front
> rack and internal wiring for lights... (It's just not what they do,
> nothing wrong with that.)
> One person in the U.S. who appears to be both framebuilder and
> constructeur (lately especially) is Peter Weigle.
> How about you? Are you planning to offer complete, integrated bikes?
> Sure would be nice, and I think there is a market...
> Jan Heine, Seattle
> >Why do you see them as mutually exclusive?
> >
> >Curt "betwixed & befuddled" Goodrich
> >Minneapolis, MN
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Jan Heine" <>
> >To: <>
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 10:36 PM
> >Subject: [CR]Constructeur vs. Framebuilder
> >
> >
> >> I just want to clarify that I don't consider constructeurs superior
> >> to framebuilders or vice versa. Each does their craft, and each
> >> produces wonderful bikes. For a racing bike, I'd go to a
> >> framebuilder. For a randonneur or touring bike, I'd go to a
> >> constructeur.
> >>
> >> Jan Heine, Seattle
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> >> Classicrendezvous mailing list
> >>
> >>