Re: Re: [CR]I am on about my 15th email from Africa to buy my parts

(Example: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis)

From: "Hetchinspete" <>
To: wspokes <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CR]I am on about my 15th email from Africa to buy my parts
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 10:11:11 -0400

Sam; I get occasional emails from Africa about investments. Not bike parts, but they are looking for an American to be a contact or front person for their schemes. Peter Naiman Boston, MA
> From: wspokes <>
> Date: 2003/06/05 Thu AM 09:50:45 EDT
> To:,
> Subject: Re: [CR]I am on about my 15th email from Africa to buy my parts
> Sam and other fellow Cr listees
> It is not just the bike industry. I have a friend who collects stamps and he told me he gets continuous emails as well. It seems they are very well versed and worldly branching out into anything that they can possibly grasp. I would bet the vintage car buffs, the coin collector's, antique people, and any other specialty group out there in cyber land is experiencing the same thing.
> Walt Skrzypek
> Falls Creek, Pa
> -------Original Message-------
> From:
> Sent: 06/05/03 09:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: [CR]I am on about my 15th email from Africa to buy my parts
> >
> > The scam company that says they are in Africa won't give up I keep getting
> a
> similar message from different emails all saying they are in Africa I get
> about one a day now for the past few weeks. WHY did the scam artists
> have to
> find bikes to pick on
> Sam DiBartolomeo Riverside CA
> _______________________________________________

> >


> Walter Skrzypek

> Falls Creek, Pa