Dan, According to a piece of Sturmey Archer literature that I have in front of me, Tommy Goodwin set this record using a Sturmey Archer hub. It doesn't say what kind of hub. In addition to Mr. Goodwin's efforts consider the following sample of times from that period also done with Sturmey Archer hubs. C. Holland rode Land's End to London (287 miles) in 13 hrs. 44 mins. and Liverpool-Edinburgh (210 miles) in 10 hrs. A Mr. Bert James rode 100 miles in 3 hrs 45 mins 51 secs. also in 1938. In 1937 Mr. S. Ferris rode 1000 miles in 2 days 22 hrs. 40 mins. I don't know the rules by which these times were judged but I am impressed. I have a list of six individuals with a total of 17 very impressive time/distance records set between 1908 and 1940.
Paul Patzkowsky Longmont Colorado