Rubber block pedals???
Yeah, I'm afraid so and they actually are for a bike that would fit the definition of this list. I am working on a neo-classic Porteur bike which requires rubber block pedals. I am wondering whether anyone knows of a make/vintage of rubber block pedals in 9/16" that have decent bearings and a cap that will allow access to the bearings??
The best I have found were some older Union bow types, which look great, but have no way to access the bearings. I have seen some beautiful examples of these pedals on old commute bikes in Paris, but of course the pedal thread is wrong and I imagine they would nearly impossible to find in this country.
I know this isn't a very exciting topic, and Faliero and Alberto would have little to say about it, but if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would very much appreciate it.
Bryant Bainbridge
Portland, Orygun