Steve that was highly uncool. At minimum you should have had a NSFW (Not Safe For Work) tag on your link. As someone who works in an office full of women soft-core porn just doesn't cut it as appropriate viewing material. Oh and they don't save all of them for the European market, we export them over there from So.Cal. . . or at least the surgeons. enjoy, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives Only a prude while at work in Santa Barbara, Calif.
On Thursday, June 12, 2003, at 02:55PM, Mara & Steven Maasland <> wrote:
>There is a Peugeot bike up for sale on German Ebay which the seller
>claims in the description to have bought in 1999. From the auction
>photo it would however appear to be about a 20 year old model (hence on-
>topic). Any comments from the Peugeot experts? Maybe Dave Van Hook can
>comment from his professional viewpoint.
>Steven Maasland
>Moorestown, NJ
>PS: How come they always seem to save these models for the European
Nobody can do everything,
but if everybody did something
everything would get done.
--Gil Scott-Heron--