saving chrome, was [CR]frame repair/downtube replacement?

(Example: Framebuilding:Technology)

Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 11:54:25 -0400
From: "HM & SS Sachs" <>
Subject: saving chrome, was [CR]frame repair/downtube replacement?

Sorry, Tom, to hear about the beat-up of favorite bike. Once, when I was replacing drop-outs on a bike with chromed stays, I noticed that the chrome was not damaged where protected by flux. If you find the right builder, you might try coating the frame near all the brazing with flux. It might just keep the chrome from oxidizing. Won't cost much to try, but I confess that I've never tried to protect a big area. After all, one of the fundamental jobs of the flux is to keep oxygen away from the surface...

harvey sachs mcLean va

BLOODY HELL! Left work today looking forward to a relaxing commute home and discovered to my horror that my bike had somehow been trashed at it's parking space next to Chicago's lakefront bikepath.Felt like I lost my best friend. It happens to be my favorite ride,of course,a Sekai Pro 4000.All chrome frame,black paint setting off the beautiful lugs and seatstay treatment.Very spare with minimal brazeons and set up perfectly as a single speed commuter.I get more compliments on this bike than all the others put together. It's suffering from a major dent(with some points or edges,no small ding)on the downtube where a shifter brazeon would normally be located.This caused by my bike lock wedging against the frame. I'm looking for recommendations for this type of frame repair(downtube replacement?) in the Chicago area.Anybody have work done in the past at Yellow Jersey in Madison Wi.?I guess I could ship it anywhere;mostly looking for a way to bring it back to life without spending so much as to make it unaffordable,and since it's a chromed frame there will be at least a 3 tube paint job and much masking involved.No Cyclart referrals please.I'd like to try someone new,having gone this route before on a restoration. Seems like lots of you folks know local builders and bike shops and obscure repair shops that do really good work reasonably.All recommendations would be most welcome.And of course if any of our esteemed list members who happen to do this type of work would be willing to take on something of this nature I'd love to hear from them.Thanks to all in advance,

Todd "even beer can't kill the pain" Kielman Chicago Il.

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