[CR]Re: Wearing helmets

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme:2004)

Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 10:47:33 -0400
From: "Mary Kaminski" <marykaminski@mac.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Re: Wearing helmets

Hi all,

Please, please wear your helmets! Wear your helmets correctly!

I want to keep the members on this list as friends for a very long time. "Stuff" happens. Especially when you least expect it. And it's usually not your fault, but as a bike rider, you are almost always the recipient.

So please, while my intent is not to start a riot, please ride safe for a long, long time.

Mary "seen my share as an RN for 28 years" Kaminksi Philadelphia, PA

Multiple Snips:
>>From Velo News
>"I've been in the sport for a long time, and it was one of the worst
>crashes I've ever seen."
>"This is a good story about the importance of helmets," Beamon said. "I
>spoke with a police officer that had a radar gun on the riders on that
>descent, and he said they were coming in close to 65 mph. Henk's doctor
>said that, without question, the helmet saved his life. From what the
>[breakaway riders] were telling me, it was probably the most violent crash
>any of them had ever seen."
>The crushing impact of Vogels' Limar helmet was so severe that it actually
>impacted into his head, causing severe lacerations that required stitches
>and staples to close.
>"If there was ever any doubt as to whether or not a helmet works, there is
>no doubt," Cipollini said. "All our guys wear a helmet everywhere they
>race. I saw the French riders were protesting wearing helmets at their
>national championship, and I'd like to show them a photograph of Henk's
>bloody, shattered helmet. You can actually see the imprints of the guard
>rail on his helmet."
>Beamon explained that while the initial prognosis is that Vogels is
>expected to make a full recovery, he might be wearing a neck brace for as
>long as 12 weeks. "But knowing Henk," Beamon added, "It wouldn't surprise
>me if we saw him doing some early season Aussie races."


>Ray Homiski

>Elizabeth, NJ