Re: [CR]Re: Vintage Bike Ride and get together north of Baltimore

(Example: Production Builders:Pogliaghi)

From: "Thomas R. Adams, Jr." <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Vintage Bike Ride and get together north of Baltimore
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 15:01:46 +0000

The ride was indeed a great success, primarily due to the lavish hospitality of Mr. Artley. Not only did he run the whole shootin match, making ride sheets, reconning the route and volunteering his house for the after ride social, he also fed us lavishly, and even volunteered his guest room for Christine and I when he heard we were driving down from Jersey. We didn't take him up on the room, but you can see the quality of the man.

The route was spectacular, beautiful rolling farms and horse country (when I stopped wheezing from the climbs long enough to look around). The flat Jersey shore isn't the best training for rolling hills. Down hills were great fun, but the winding tree lined roads made me a little cautious as I didn't know the roads, and no tandem stop all that well if there is a surprise party around the corner. But we kept well up with the group until the last mile or so when the blood sugar hit bottom. Extra thanks to Roy Drinkwater for waiting up for us and making sure we didn't get lost. At least we beat the Walshes back, although it took a flat tire and a recalcitrant frame pump to get us our advantage.

We then drove a few minutes to Dan's riverfront home and restored our tissues with munchies and various high quality malt beverages. I can't remember all that was offered, but I turned down Guinness for a cold Bass Ale. I fetched the Ephgrave out of the van, Harvey demonstrated Bivalent hubs on his loverly 60's Paramount (with Nervex BB) for those who had never seen them in operation, and Dan trotted several neat bikes out of his basement including an early 70's Colnago, ruby red Paramount track machine and a Taylor curved tube 3speed fixed gear. On the TV, Virenque winning the yellow jersey on stage 7, and everyone was sitting on the deck and gabbing about bikes. Does it get any better?

So thanks Dan, for a great day. As has been said many times, it's the social events on the CR list that are the best part of this hobby, and guys like Dan who put on these soirees are real heroes. If he does have this again next year, be sure to be there!

Tom Adams, Shrewsbury NJ

>From: "Daniel Artley"


>Subject: [CR]Re: Vintage Bike Ride and get together north of Baltimore

>Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 09:39:26 -0400


>The vintage ride was a success. We had a bunch of CR list members, a

>couple of fixed gear buffs and at least one BOBer on the ride. The

>weather was about as perfect as it gets in Baltimore and people seemed

>to be having fun at our house afterward. Tom Adams brought a gorgeous

>Ephgrave in addition to the tandem he and his wife were riding. Roy

>Drinkwater, Harvey Sachs, and Marty Walsh & his wife showed, Marty

>riding a pretty nice old Olmo, Harvey on his '65 Paramount with Bivalent

>hubs and a bit too close ratio gears for the hills above B'town. Harvey

>was saying he should have ridden fixed, his ASC hubbed Schwinn had a

>lower gear than the 47x22 of the Paramount he brought. Jim Sheridan

>brought an almost all original Ibis Scorcher, not on topic, but I love

>'em anyway. We had the deck lined with bikes all being scrutinized by

>the crowd. I got to play with those bivalent hubs. The ride was an

>excuse to finally give the bike shop downstairs a good cleaning, the

>house was blitzed and we didn't run out of food. Life is good! I'm

>going to try to have another ride next year, we'll try a different

>route, probably won't be any fewer hills though. I hope everyone who

>came had a good time and hope those who missed it won't next year.




>Dan Artley

>Parkton, Maryland




>Classicrendezvous mailing list



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