Re: [CR]Hot Rodding NR derailleurs

(Example: Production Builders)

From: "jerrymoos" <>
To: "Todd Kuzma" <>, <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Hot Rodding NR derailleurs
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 21:19:45 -0500

I tend to agree with the "period correct" approach. It doesn't bother me a lot to install a SunTour V, Vx, Cyclone or Superbe in place of a Campy, if that is a change that might easily been done when the bike was new or nearly new. I have a little more of a problem with modern indexed carbon/Ti stuff on classic bikes.


Jerry Moos
Houston, TX

----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Kuzma
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Hot Rodding NR derailleurs

> on 8/5/03 4:18 PM, Chuck Schmidt at wrote:
> > Todd Kuzma wrote:
> >>
> >> Hmm. My favorite modification is to carefully remove the NR derailleur,
> >> place it in a box, and install a far superior Sun Tour Cyclone or Superbe
> >> derailleur that I bought for a fraction of the price!
> >>
> >> Sorry I couldn't resist.
> >
> > Todd, on that freeway of installing superior but unoriginal parts there
> > are no off ramps...
> This brings up the old debate of whether to restore for use or for show.
> Whether or not the bike is historically accurate is not important to
> everyone. Note that I didn't suggest installing modern components (which is
> what Sheldon Brown does) but superior components from the same era (more or
> less).
> It is, however, as you suggest a slippery slope. Cages and pulleys today,
> Superbe tomorrow, carbon Record 10-speed after that!
> Todd Kuzma
> Heron Bicycles
> LaSalle, IL 815-223-1776