[CR] SE Pennsylvania CR/iBOB autumnal equinox ride - preliminary announcement

(Example: Racing)

From: "Charles T. Young" <youngc@netreach.net>
To: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 21:51:39 -0400
Subject: [CR] SE Pennsylvania CR/iBOB autumnal equinox ride - preliminary announcement

Ray Sachs and I are planning a joint CR and iBOB group ride for the weekend of September 20 - 21 in the northern portion of Chester County. I'd like to hear from potential attendees on their preference for Saturday the 20th vs. Sunday the 21st.

Route planning is in the nascent stage and consideration will be given to fixed gear types. Ride will likely be on the order of 30 to 35 miles with an option of 10 more or so for the frisky. We'll have post-ride food, conviviality, swimming, bike ogling, whatever, upon completion at my house in Honeybrook.

Who's coming? 20th or 21st?

Charlie Young Yes, the actual equinox is the 23rd this year, that's right out.. Honeybrook. PA