Thank You Brian. A bounty to the eye that beholds my black beauty.
Brian Baylis <> wrote: Hey Joe,
That bike could turn up in my neck of the woods. If I get wind of it I'll try to get it back or at least let you know where it is. I'm not sure how good the odds are of running into it; but probably not too good. I'll keep an eye out.
Brian Baylis framebuilder missing an eye while it's out looking for lost bikes.
> Michael asked, "Have any of you sought a bike in a particular color
because you can
> only imagine it one way?"
> Yes. A one-of-a-kind, Joe Starck-built beam bike lost somewhere near
downtown San Diego: Black with white "Starck" decals on down tube. The last
time I saw it, it was Moonlit Black.
> - Joe Starck, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
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