Tom and CR listees - Are there any photos up on the "15 - 18?" - Joe Starck, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin
Tom Sanders <> wrote: Fans of Art stump's bikes might be interested to know that I just got a phone call from him and he says he's feeling fine. I asked how many bikes he made and he said he wasn't sure but he reckons 15-18. He doesn't know where most of them are, but a couple are in England and his own personal bike is going to a son who wants it. He says he doesn't know of another bike that has his name on it (his initials are cut into the head tube lugwork, if I recall). He did not recognize the names of a couple of folks who are acquaintenances, but, then, some days I might not either. What a treat to hear from him! He's 90 now. He seems eager to have folks visit him. Tom Sanders Lansing, Mi
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