Re: [CR]Brian's Flyin....(legally)

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 20:41:24 -0700
From: "brian baylis" <>
To: Bob Reid <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Brian's Flyin....(legally)
References: <>


On behalf of my fellow Scots, I will make a concerted effort to finish this bike for the event. I will most certainly bring it along and use it during the framebuilding discussion. One of my primary problems right now is the sear binder bolt, which is the 5/16" bolt I haven't had time to run down.

Honestly, the parts I have are not anywhere near correct in some cases, but the bike is a fine piece of work and should be appreciated for what is there, which is part of the point of the seminar in the first place. I'll do my best to get her ridable so I can take it on a maiden voyage during the event.

Sir Chuck, please add a 1958 Flying Scot to the lineup!

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA I always feel guilty putting a little time into my own stuff when there is SO MUCH other work for me to do; but this is for a good cause, right?

Bob Reid wrote:
> This is a plea for Brian Baylis......(Even though he knows nothing of it)
> Someone from the other side of the pond please give him the parts he needs
> to finish his Flying Scot for the VR - come on Chuck help him out here, this
> has been a l-o-n-g project and It would liven up the pre & post VR bar room
> debates no end - the discussion about how it came to be the colour that it
> is, would add hours of endless fun, I'm sure. (lets put it this way, from
> description it's on the outer edge of "period correctness" but then it is
> Brian Baylis's :-)
> I'm also sure that Brian would willingly add the Scot to any discussion
> about the finer points of framebuilding on this, as opposed to any other
> machine from the same era. A perfect opportunity for Brian to tell all on a
> direct constructional comparison between the Ca Masi's and the Scot's - both
> built in similar setup's 15+ years and an ocean apart (small "company" circa
> 4 builders max. at any one time, and an overall "man")
> BTW There must be (and that's a semi-educated guess, not a proven fact) more
> Flying Scot's in California, than Masi's built by Mario....
> Me ? I'd love to attend, but I'm back at School - after a 30 year "career"
> absence.
> Regards to all....
> Bob Reid
> Stonehaven
> Scotland