I guess I am at the age where one might start to think of mortality (I turned 50 this last July, and treated myself to a gorgeous '51 Rotrax to celebrate. Well,_someone_had to buy me a bike!!), and I have been linking this to the question of: What to do with my bicycles when I die, whether it be at the natural end of my three score and ten, or whether it be unexpectedly soon.
Anyway, one or two bikes are pretty easy to will away to appreciative homes via friends of similar size and bike tastes. The problem is, I think I have a few too many bikes to find friends for. I have 13, a couple more nice frames curing on the wall, and enough extra spare parts that I could comfortably build them to finished bikes next week. I don't know enough personal friends that: Need or want another bike, Are correct, sizewise, to inherit them, Don't already have a bunch of bikes themselves, Have enough spare room for more strays.......you get my drift, I am sure. I guess, for me, the issue is also complicated by my wish to see my bikes used frequently, and maintained well. I am afraid some of my possible benefactors don't treat _their_ bikes to the standards I wish......yet I also don't want to end up donating them to a Museum.
So, dear CR-ers, have any of you come up with a solution to this problem that seems satisfying? Maybe in the bigger scheme of life this isn't a very important decision, but I am very interested to hear what you have to say on the matter.
Neill "morbidly overpopulated with bikes, but loving it" Currie Portland, Me
Neill Currie, Portland, Me 04102, USA.
I usually have classic bicycle components for sale at good prices. Please email me for a current list. A reasonably current list may be seen here:
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