Re: [CR]Treating fine finishes on old bikes.

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

From: "Eric Elman" <>
To: "classicrendezvous" <>
References: <> <006a01c37e25$1bf92b70$6600a8c0@TOSHIBAS254>
Subject: Re: [CR]Treating fine finishes on old bikes.
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 20:14:48 -0400

I too vote strongly in favor of nail polish for all the reasons pointed out by Pete. I'd add though that you are not limited to mostly reds. Go to any drug store and you will find an enormous variety of colors and have a pretty good chance of finding a match to any bike. I always bring my fork into the store with me, get lot's of strange looks, then proceed to find the right color. If the first store dosn't have a good match go on to a different store (not CVS to another CVS; but from a CVS to Rite-Aid, etc.).

Good luck,

Eric Elman
Somers, CT

----- Original Message -----
From: Pete Rutledge
To: Neill Currie

<> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:40 PM Subject: Re: [CR]Treating fine finishes on old bikes.

> Neill,
> I hope no one thinks too badly of me for this advice, but if the bike
> happens to be some shade of red, I would consider nail polish. I've used it
> on my bikes. There are a large number of shades (mostly variations of red)
> of nail polish available, it's cheap and readily available, and the bottles
> even come with their own brushes! Can't beat that. And it does no harm--it
> will cover the chips, maybe help prevent further rusting, and it's
> reasonably durable, but if you ever want to remove it, it's simple to do
> with nail polish remover, and without damaging the surrounding paint. If
> it's a color other than red, you might consider the brush-on bottles of
> automotive touch-up paint, available in most auto parts stores in a large
> variety of colors. But of course it doesn't have the advantages of nail
> polish.
> Pete Rutledge
> Woodbridge, VA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Neill Currie" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 3:37 PM
> Subject: [CR]Treating fine finishes on old bikes.
> > Hi
> > Well, I guess those psychology courses finally
> > paid off today ;-) I hit on the correct
> > combination of incentives to pry a Urago
> > frameset(Yes Jeeves, it does have the spades on
> > the sides of the fork crown ), my size and in
> > nice condition, out of the hands of my boss!
> > So, I was down in the basement, cleaning the
> > paint and chrome of dirt, grease etc, wondering
> > what other people recommend to treat a few small
> > paint blemishes that are starting to rust. Also,
> > a couple of small chrome blemishes that are also
> > starting to rust.
> > I am aware that there may be a variety of answer
> > out there: "Respray and rechrome" to "do nothing,
> > maybe paste wax"......and I will just have to
> > distill the wisdom of the list, then "do the
> > right thing".
> > Let me say too, that the frameset _could_ be made
> > pretty close to immaculate with the correct
> > touch-up paint, and I was thinking Naval Jelly to
> > kill the chrome rust, followed by clear nail
> > polish.
> >
> > Neill "still sweating in anticipation" Currie
> > Portland, Me.
> >
> >
> > =====
> > Neill Currie, Portland, Me 04102, USA.
> > ------------
> > I usually have classic bicycle components for sale at good prices. Please
> email me for a current list. A reasonably current list may be seen here:
> >
> > ------------
> > The Mountain Goat website is at:
> >
> > ------------
> >
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