Glad to hear your still here............................Living everyday to the fullest is the only way I know how to do it!
BTW: All of my bikes will be staying within the Family for a very very long time! Benny my little boy of 9 will be ready for that day to take on Renaissance, of course the care of the bikes will be going to him as well. Cecile asked him awhile back? What do you want to do?.................It came out as smooth as silk, do what daddy is doing of course..............A great kid he is! One day he was playing baseball walked up to the plate and said this one is for dad! Bases were loaded and bang! A GRAND SLAM! Plays a full game of soccor for his clubs F2 team and scores 5 goals! They win the championship! Director of ''E'' a higher class walks up and ask! Hey! Benny could you play for ''E2'' today! We don't have enough players! Says OK!....walks in and score 7 goals!.......Gives them a sure lock on the championship. OH LORDY! Watching this kid on a bike and you kind of get the tingeling sensation. All this going for him and he comes up with this answer. BTW: He swept his last tennis tourmanent, never giving up a game. He loves his bikes and tools and looks like he's made up his mind. Anyway we are going to make a go for that 42cm Ebay Colnago, he needs nicer rig than his present ride.
If off topic then sorry for this but just wanted to let the list know that there is a very good chance that Renaissance will be carrying on for a long time. One way or another the bikes are safe.
BC Baron C................And the gang!!........Really need to put stocks away for a very long haul! Reinaissance cycles, Eindhoven Holland.
> All that talk of what to do with your bikes when you pass on
> must have done it!
> TUESDAY PM I managed to have a HEART ATTACK,luckily SOUTHERN MARIN
> PARAMEDICS(THANK YOU THANK YOU) carry a special EKG machine that
> transmits the images directly to the hospital (MARIN GENERAL) and by the
> time we got there everything was rolling,they prepped me in the
> emergency room and we signed some forms and up the elevator I went.
> I am home now as the new poster boy for the program(packing a
> small metal stent in my heart the same od as CAMPY brake hsg)
> I am pretty weak but still plan to attend the VR,but riding looks
> to be out of the question
> as I get tired quickly,though my doc says I can try a stationary bike
> instead of walking
> Maybe in 2 weeks I can drag the tandem down to PASADENA and talk
> someone onto helping me do one of the rides
> aka