Following the debate recently about the significance of the SC on Cinelli bikes, I wrote to Andrea Cinelli to see if he could shed any light onto the matter. His response was:
"Le etichette "Speciale Corsa" e "Supercorsa" identificano lo stesso modello di telaio o bici: venivavo abbreviate "S.C.", in cui la "S" indicava "Speciale" o "Super", mentre la "C" indicava "Corsa", per differenziare il modello più economico: "modello B"."
Which translates to: The labels Speciale corsa and supercorsa identified the same model of frame or bike: they were abbreviated "S.C.", in whihc the "S" indicated "Speciale" or "Super", whereas the "C" indicated "Corsa", to differentiate from the more economical model: "Modello B."
"Avevamo temporaneamente esaurito un' etichetta e per un equivoco dello stampatore la lettera "S" ha avuto due significati diversi. Errori simili succedevano in passato anche con i francobolli con grande "soddisfazione" dei collezionisti che lucravano prezzi più alti sul mercato."
Which translates to: We had temporarily run out of a label and due to a printer's error, the letter "S" had two different meanings. Similar errors have also happened in the past with postage stamps to the great "satisfaction" of collectors who have sought more lucrative prices on the market.
It would therefore appear that there is no intended difference whatsoever between the two denominations.
Steven Maasland
Moorestown, NJ