I have been considering a "triplizer" ring for some nuovo record cranksets. I understand that "Willow" and "Stronglight" triplizers are still available.
1. Can someone point to a picture of a crankset with either type of TA or Willow triplizer ring ?
Dale : It would be a good thing to have some of these pictures on the classicrendezvous site !
2. Are triplized Nuovo Record Cranksets worth it ?? I mean, the 42T middle ring is pretty large for a triple crankset, and the hills in San Diego are getting steeper every autumn.
A third option is to have triplizer rings made by "HighPath Engineering" in England. In fact, it might be a good idea to collect a bunch of "ring wants" and have them make a batch of rings for the Classicrendezvous crowd. Here is a price quote from them :
Highpath Price List (6 months ago, received via email) ======================================================
EGGrings (round or oval) ------------------------ 39.50# 17 to 29 teeth 49.50# 30 to 39 teeth 59.50# 40 to 54 teeth 74.50# 55 to 67 teeth 200# 68 to 110 teeth
20# setup price for a custom pattern 12# optional black powder-coast or hand-polished finished 20# optional engraving (e.g. your name)
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA